How many ideas do you keep for the future? Vincent Balegno, head of sales and marketing of Geroco in Martigny, answered to the question in French: “What percentage of ideas are actually carried out in your company?”. […]
Is time the biggest enemy of feasibility? Dominique Guinard, ETH Zurich, answered to the question in French: “What percentage of ideas are actually carried out in your institution?”. […]
Timing, money and people who are ready to adopt and pay for your ideas, this are three important parameters. Frederic Sidler, co-founder of, Martigny, answered to the question in French: “What percentage of ideas are actually carried out in your company?”. […]
Time to carry out ideas. Philippe Barman, responsible for electronic media at Publicitas, Sion, answered to the question in French: “What percentage of ideas are actually carried out in your company?”. […]
When do you consider an idea as carried out? Nicolas Sierro, Product & Project Manager Cross Media, Vevey, answered to the question in French: “What percentage of ideas are actually carried out in your company?”. […]
Is it easier to have an idea that replaces an old idea than to have a completely new idea? Cassandre E. Stapfer, managing director, Metrastat, Sierre, answered to the question in French: “What percentage of ideas are actually carried out in your company?”. […]
Implementation is the result of a clear vision and a creative and collective execution. Giorgio Pauletto, technology and strategy advisor, Observatoire Technologique CTI, Etat de Geneve , answered to the question in French: “What percentage of ideas are actually carried out in your institution?”. […]
What is percentage in start up companies? Gilles Florey, founder and CEO of KeyLemon, Martigny, answered to the question in French: “What percentage of ideas are actually carried out in your company?”. They carry out 10% of all the ideas they have. […]
Thierry Bechon of, Sion, answered to the question in French: “What percentage of ideas are actually carried out in your company?”. […]
One important example for the intelligent us of video and social networks was the slogan contest The conference “Podcasts and social networks : communicate in an other way!” was held at TechnoArk in Sierre/Siders by Frederic Sidler, co-founder of mixin, and Thierry Weber, founder of the 4th screen and of […]