Passion and energy are the driving forces. Ideas done? by Rolf von Behrens, Swisscom, Bern

Rolf von Behrens, Lead of Social Web Strategy at Swisscom Strategy and Innovation, answered to the question in English: “What percentage of ideas are actually carried out in your company?”. […]

Ideas are cheap. A good execution makes them valuable. Ideas done? by Ian Prince, inextenso, St-Cergue

Ideas are cheap. A good execution makes them valuable. Ian Prince, CEO of inextenso, St-Cergue, answered to the question in English: “What percentage of ideas are actually carried out in your company?”. […]

Photos of the making of (5 stop motion movies used in the slogan contest

GFS 5 Movies Making of Check out the making of the 5 stop motion movies used in the slogan contest […]