Sacha Brasseur, Director of Media at Productions illimitées in Paris and Director of Comedy & Media at Montreux Festival du Rire, answered to the question in French: “What percentage of your ideas are actually carried out in your company?”.
He has many ideas all the time. The general problem of ideas is that his mind starts imagining the story as soon as he an idea pops up. He completely lives the story in his head. This is the first step. But after a while – this is the second step – he tells himself to transform and rationalize that fiction in order to become real.
He quotes Pasolini in the movie Decamerone: A painter, after having finished his fresco, asks what pushes men to actually produce their works even though they are so beautiful just dreamed (Watch it). For Sacha Brasseur to carry out ideas allows you to dream. And if you are really involved in that dream then it is legitimate, too.
Interview made during the conference of lift10 in Geneva, Mai 2010.