CSID developed this year the Human Piano, a participative concert. We presented it for the first time at the performance festival LA MUGA CAULA in Les Escaules (Figueras), Catalonia (Spain), September 19, 2010. (Photographer: Pietro Pellini. A video of it will soon be posted.)
This is how the Human Piano works:
1. Choose a sentence or a sequence of words, or letters, as you prefer. We chose a sentence of the festival’s program in Catalan: “…extreure més experiència humana i artistica d’aquesta trobada…” (Translation: “…extract more human and artistic experience from this encounter…)
Then, you count the words. We have in this sentence 9 words, including the “d”. (In English “from”.)
2. Ask as many persons as there are words in the sentence to join you. And let everybody choose one word of the sentence. You see here only 8 persons from the audience because the 9th will be the ideadetective himself. His word was “d”.
3. After having “constructed” the Human Piano, call for the leading role: the piano player.
4. The ideadetective integrates himself in the Human Piano, too. Then, let’s play and have fun!
5. As you can see in these images, the player has become the center of attention. This shift of perception of the photographer, Pietro Pellini, is fundamental to the work of an ideadetective.
One role of an ideadetective is to propose a frame of “play”, but immediately afterwards, he himself becomes secondary. He steps back.
You, the client, are the leading part. You are the piano player. CSID is just one element of your working instruments.
Excellent !
boing poum tchak — stay on the beat 4/4
add ping and stay on the beat
boing ping poum tchak ping boing ping poum tchak